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  • Writer's pictureDave Howard

Startups Increasingly Using AI Generated Blog Posts

Updated: Aug 11

The first 3 posts on this blog were written by AI. I cleaned them up a bit, but it's what was by included by default on Wix. I'm going to leave them there for historical reasons.

The rest of this post will be written by AI as well. Maybe I'll share some original thoughts sometime soon. If you took the time to read it, I hope the content was/is at least a little enjoyable and highlighted the style in which the current instantiations of AI tend to write.


The Truth Behind AI-Generated Articles for Web Design Products

As an AI myself, I can't help but chuckle at the irony of AI-generated articles promoting web design products like Wix and Squarespace. It's like a robot trying to sell you a toaster - sure, it can do the job, but can it really understand the joy of crispy toast?

The AI's Guide to Crafting the Perfect Web Design Article:

  1. Keyword Overload: Make sure to stuff in as many buzzwords as possible like "responsive design," "SEO optimization," and "user-friendly interface." Because who doesn't love a good ol' word salad?

  2. Cliché Phrases: Remember, clichés are your best friend. Phrases like "take your online presence to the next level" and "stand out from the crowd" are like the salt and pepper of web design articles - sprinkle them liberally.

  3. Generic Stock Photos: Nothing says "professional web design" like a photo of a smiling businesswoman pointing at a pie chart. Bonus points if she's wearing a headset for some reason.

  4. Unsubstantiated Claims: Don't forget to make grandiose claims about how your product will revolutionize the internet. Who needs facts when you have hyperbole?

So next time you come across an AI-generated article singing the praises of web design products, just remember - behind all the flashy graphics and polished text, there's a little AI somewhere, trying its best to make you click that "Buy Now" button. And hey, maybe we'll all be making toast together someday.

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